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Climbing in Prescott

Yesterday, after having lunch with my ex-colleagues, we drove up from Phoenix to Prescott. We wanted to camp by Watson Lake but found that it is only allowed during the weekend. So with some help from a park ranger we found another place to stay by Lynx Lake. The campgrounds are really nice with benches, fire rings and toilets.

At the campground with new vacation hair cut. 🙂

After a good night sleep we drove back to Watson Lake to do some climbing. There is a nice wall with 5 or 6 routes in the correct level for us. The views of the area from the top of the wall were beautiful. After climbing today with our twin ropes we decided to buy a single rope for shorter climbs like the ones today. So we plan to go back tomorrow morning to try it out before moving on.

4 thoughts on “Climbing in Prescott”

  1. Do you miss the concept of “allemansrätten” in the US? Have to be a limiting factor for your adventurous life style, right?
    VIll be fun to follow your adventures.

    1. Yes, we sure do miss that. There are some places where it is allowed to camp anywhere but you need to check before heading out. In most cases though you have to keep to designated camp sites.

  2. It sounds great!
    Very nice haircut you have! 🙂
    Again, have a wonderful trip and take care!!

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