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Ah, seasons!

Well, here it comes. The autumn. When I looked out the window this morning snow had fallen on the mountain tops. Above about 2000 meters the peaks were nice and white. Much of it disappeared during the day but it was clear that a new season is here.

I had some difficulties believing what I saw this morning considering the beach was full of people just last week when it was still almost 30 degrees Celsius. Summer was still going strong.


This is what it looked like at Ufschötti at the Lucerne Lake (Vierwaldstetter see) just a few days ago.  

Actually I am pretty excited about the autumn since we have escaped colder weather for a few years now. Even though it has been great not having to wear lots of clothes for years I have missed the seasons. Last time I experienced a full autumn in Europe was 2010 and then we moved to Arizona in December and missed winter. So now it is time to dig out those boots and jackets. Looking forward to it!

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