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I do understand why so many visit Yellowstone National Park in Wyoming. It is a very beautiful area that features the highest concentration of geysers in the world, many exciting wild animals and incredible views. Everything is also very convenient and you do not have to walk very far from your car to see it all. This makes it a handy place to visit for families and people that might not be very fit for different reasons.

Unfortunately as we were there it was over crowded, it was difficult to find parking spaces and it was hard to move around in your own pace. Since we are not very fond of mass tourism we got a bit stressed and did not stay long in the park.

We did not see any bears or wolves but we did catch a glimpse of bison, elk and deer. Some of our photos you can see below.

One thought on “Yellowstone”

  1. I was there! Almost thirty years ago, hoho… I remember the crowds waiting for the geyser, but nothing else. I don´t think we stayed long, three bus loads of pubescent individuals – many of them had no idea where they were or why, they were totally absorbed with themselves and others. The 14 Swedes, plus one or two Danes, shared a bus with what seemed like hundreds of Brazilians… They were a community of their own, like a mini-carneval where ever they went. They never slept. Ah, the memories…

    Love your pics!

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