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What we do when not hiking

Reading this blog you might get the impression that the only thing we do is hike. That is not entirely true. It is though usually what I feel is worth writing about but of course we don’t spend every day and hour in our hiking boots. New Zealand though is a lot about the outdoors and therefore we have concentrated on that during our stay here. We have done some “normal” sightseeing as well as some posts have shown and you will probably read more about that eventually.

Between our outdoor adventures and sightseeing though there is a lot of washing clothes, writing emails, checking weather, news and what is going on “in the real world”, grocery shopping, driving, cooking, research, planning, going to information centers, chatting to people, drinking coffee and tea, going to the movies and just hanging out (except we don’t have a sofa to throw ourselves in). Basically a lot of what you need to do at home as well. The one thing we do not have to do is clean the house, which I am extremely happy about because it is not my favorite thing.

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We do spend a lot of time and money on “fika” (Swedish for having coffee/tea and usually something sweet)

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Yes, the occasional beer or wine in the sun. We have to enjoy that we managed to escape a second winter in Europe.


Andy is learning new programming stuff and me organizing photos, writing blog posts and researching the area.

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