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Tuolumne back country hike

In Yosemite National Park we wanted to do a multiday hike. We decided to start it at Tuolumne Meadows. The exact route you can find below. We planned two nights and three hiking days. The first plan was to hike not more than 12 miles or 19.5 km per day. Since we ended up adjusting our route on the way it became 23.6 km the first day, 20.4 km the second and 11 km the third. The reason for the third day being so short was that where we were planning to camp the second night turned out to be mosquito hell. So we kept going until we found a place that was a bit better.

The first day we passed Cathedral Peak and Lakes. It started off uphill, a bit more than we had expected but still ok. Instead of going to the campground at Sunrise we turned off to the east and into the next valley. We hiked along a creek until we found a great place for our first camp.

Before reaching the first camp we filled up our water bottles by the creek. As we were doing this Andy made a joke that now when we were not watching our backpacks, which were 15 m away, a bear would come and get our snacks. Good point I thought, since we had been warned about just this. The bears know our behavior and chooses their moment of attack when we are not paying attention to our stuff. So I went to bring our backpacks closer while Andy was filtering the water. As I brought the second backpack I suddenly saw a bear on the other side of the creek. I think he saw me at the same time I saw him. It was a cute brown little guy, I thought afterwards. My first reaction was to freak out and starting clapping my hands. The poor guy got scared and ran off immediately. Maybe I could have taken a photo or two before scaring him off but I have never seen a wild bear that closely before and there was a bridge just next to us that he could easily cross. So my only photo of our bear sighting is a brown little dot in the middle of the bush. I won’t even bother to show it.

The second day we came by Merced Lake and then headed up towards Vogelsang. After the ranger station at Merced Lake it was steep uphill and got very hot. The wind had been strong ever since we entered the park but now when we wanted it, it was of course gone. This day was probably the most beautiful day featuring granite domes, creeks, water falls and spectacular views of the high Sierras. It was also the hardest one with more than 900 m elevation gain. As we came close to Vogelsang we turned off to the west and wanted to camp a few miles before the Toulumne Pass. After that it should start going downhill towards the Meadows again. Due to about a million mosquitos we ended up camping just at the Pass where it was a bit more reasonable.

The third day was an easy cruise down to Tuolumne again. Basically only downhill and not very steep. But since the first long day had given me some blisters on my feet it was still a pain. (Good thing you never remember these things very clearly afterwards…) I was happy to see the parking lot again where a cold lemon soda and some chips were waiting for us.

More images:

Tuolumne hike


Now, after 5 days of hiking and climbing without a shower, we were worth some luxury time at a hotel. 🙂

One thought on “Tuolumne back country hike”

  1. Wow! Amazing pictures. And at this very time, Eva&Leif from Snesudden is visiting their son Jonas in SF, and they visited Yellowstone to see Jonas do Iron Man. I had some equally amazing pictures from them. It´s still too cold and wicked here to even do Bälinge berget…

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