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The weekend disappointment

Usually in the beginning of the week I start thinking about what I want to do on the weekend. Of course in my mind we do great things outdoors in the perfect weather. Picture the intro to Sound of Music and you get the feeling. In the middle of the week I look at the weather forecast which of course decides what kind of activity is possible at all. Way too many weeks this autumn it has been looking like this:


And so also this weekend. Bummer. Here goes my hiking trail discovery plans out the window and shopping and “fika” plans becomes reality. On the agenda this weekend is shopping (in desperate need of shoes and new glasses), dinner with friends and Sunday Afternoon Tea at Hotel Palace also with friends. Not too bad after all. 🙂 Just have to remember to bring the umbrella.

Enjoy your weekend!


One thought on “The weekend disappointment”

  1. Tricket är att ha låga förväntningar och höga förhoppningar.

    I would have written that in English if my dictionary hadn´t translated both “förväntning” and “förhoppning” as “expectation”. Language can be so frustrating.

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