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The apartment

livingareakitchen copy Soon we have lived a whole month in our apartment. The first few weeks we were busy driving around to all the furniture stores in the area, including IKEA of course. 🙂 As soon as we had brought something home we saw the need of the next thing. There are things still missing, the sofa and the dining table we ordered has not shown up yet. At the moment we are using the garden furniture in the living room and Andy’s old desk as dining table. Since we do not have all the furniture yet we have not really thought about what to put on the walls which are shining very white. IMG_8171 copyThe loggia.

The bedroom we have not bother about at all. Andy’s old bed will have to do for now and the “wardrobe” is some what temporary but functional. We could well do with some drawers but we will have to cope for a while longer. We can always stuff things in Andy’s old wardrobe that we put in the spare room.


We really enjoy having our own place with a big kitchen and living room. We spend a lot more time in the “loggia”, the part of the living area where you can open the walls completely to the terrace, than we thought. Now the very important task of finding the perfect furniture for it begins… I am thinking comfortable chairs for “fika” and lighter meals, maybe afternoon tea. 🙂


One thought on “The apartment”

  1. Cooool!
    Looks like it’s going to be awsome! Perfect “fika”-place! 🙂

    Good luck finding furniture you like.
    Sommakram Helena M

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