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Testimony after (more than) 200 days

Suddenly I realized we have already been way more than 200 days on the road. It is weird how time seems to pass by quickly (it is already February!) but still we have had lots of time on our hands and have experienced so much. We have met many people during this trip and every time I hear that someone is about to go home and have to go back to work I feel so grateful we were able and did take the chance to do this.

After this long time it is sometimes difficult though to take in new things. We more often skip sights and overlooks over yet another waterfall or beach just because we have seen so many and feel like it is hard to appreciate everything. Instead we try to create some sort of normality with movies, cooking, going to cafés and similar things. Basically things we used to do at home just to try to get comfortable no matter where we are. You do need to do something familiar ones in a while and not only see new things. Having a van where we can keep our stuff really helps. It is our little home.

So the feelings of constantly being on the move are mixed. A long holiday is extremely nice and I really have difficulties to remember how the stress felt that I know work could cause. I see this as a luxury and am enjoying it fully. We are however longing for a home as well and not having to cook outside or share a kitchen and bathrooms with strangers. At one of the campgrounds an older man had a t-shirt saying ‘The more people I meet the more I like my pigs’. We understand completely!

We have by now had about 20 plans of what to do when we get back this summer. We do believe we have a master plan but there are still almost 6 months to go so that might change. 🙂

Our four months in New Zealand are quickly coming to and end and we feel that it was the right amount of time to spend here. Considering the number of hikes we have done less time would have been too little but now we feel that it will be nice to move on. We don’t feel like spending more nights in huts this time around. This country is an amazing place and there are more things to see of course but it would require a different kind of traveling.

Soon we go to Australia and there we’ll have another continent to discover for three months before we slowly make our way home.

The image shows one of the most famous places in New Zealand, Mackinnon Pass on the Milford Track.

2 thoughts on “Testimony after (more than) 200 days”

  1. Interesting reflection. I think some people fall into this behaviour of creating “a home away from home” after only a few days travelling. And, being knocked over by the flu as I write this, I wonder how it would feel to be indisposed for a week or so with a car as one´s home.

    We look forward to seeing you again!

    1. Luckily we have been very healthy so far. Andy had a cold for a few days in Canada but otherwise we have been lucky. I think if one of us does get very sick we will probably check into a hotel for a few days for some privacy and to avoid spreading the bugs around a communal kitchen and bathroom.

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