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Oamaru – capital of Steampunk

Somewhere along the way we had heard that Oamaru is a great little town. We could not remember why but we knew we wanted to pass by. Basically it is known for two things, Steampunk and penguins. The latter I don’t think needs much explaining but the first one might if you are as ignorant as me.

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Yellow eyed penguin

Steampunk is a style with the slogan “Tomorrow as it used to be”. It features steam powered machinery in a western 19th century setting. The style can be recognized from many movies (eg Fritz Lang’s Metropolis or Wild wild west), computer games and art work. Oamaru has a small museum dedicated to Steampunk, a playground and art work around the city in Steampunk style. Actually some of the people who live there look Steampunk. 🙂 This in combination with the old Victorian style buildings is fantastic and creates a very special place.

Have a look at the photos and see what you think:


One thought on “Oamaru – capital of Steampunk”

  1. Wish I was there! I was introduced to the steampunk concept about a year ago, and now I see it everywhere. Some of the jewellery is stunning.

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