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Hiking the high circuit around Mt Taranaki

Around Mt Taranaki or Mt Egmond there are many trails. One trail is the round the mountain high circuit that in 4 days takes you around this cone shaped volcano. In the summer the snow melts enough to make it a fairly easy but of course strenuous hike to the top. Now it is still spring and the summit is snow capped and climbing it requires winter equipment and appropriate experience. The snow makes the mountain more photogenic but it would have been nice to be able to climb it.

The first day was an easy hike from the visitor center in North Egmont to Holly Hut. It took us less than 3 hours and we had lots of time to enjoy the evening sun on the terrace. The huts are fairly basic with bunk beds, tables, benches for cooking and a fire place. Water is available and there are pit toilets. There were 5 of us for the 32 beds in Holly hut so not very crowded. It got a little cold at night but otherwise comfortable.

Day two was cloudy and a very light drizzle was in the air in the morning. The trail was mostly in the forest so it was not too bad that the weather was not very good. This day was probably the most adventurous of the four. We had to cross a number of streams, climb ladders and muddy, slippery slopes. The streams were more or less easy to cross. We did not get wet but occasionally had to search for the best spot to cross. It was quite strenuous with a big backpack to jump rocks and climb slopes but also made it a bit interesting. As we were taking a lunch break in the Kahui Hut the sun came out and we ended up staying an extra hour to just enjoy the weather before heading into the forest again. We made it to the next hut by 16.30. After a little while it started to rain heavily but we were already inside in front of the fire. Good timing. There were others that were not as lucky. When it was almost dark two women arrived at the hut. They had been walking for almost 9 hours, the last two at least in pouring rain. They had no chance to dry their clothes until it was time to leave again next morning.

As we looked out of the windows the third day we saw that the hut actually had a great view of the summit. Something we had not seen in the bad weather the day before. Just a few minutes from the hut there was a long ladder that we had to climb down to reach a stream. It had a bit too much water and it was not obvious where to cross it. Andy was able to jump from rock to rock to the other side but I realized I would not have made it the same way he did. I decided to take my shoes off and walk through it. The water was freezing but I stayed dry which was the main thing. After that the trail took us up above the tree line. The weather was prefect with a blue sky and the views spectacular. We could even see all the way to the south island. The plan was that this was going to be a short day with only about 8 km hiking. The hut we were supposed to go to, Dive Lake hut, was situated next to a small lake in the forest. But since the weather was so good and we were already on higher altitude we decided to continue to the next hut, Waingongoro hut. It took us totally about 7 hours of hiking to reach the next hut. About one hour before we reached the hut we passed by another visitor center and café where we got a well deserved soda and scones.

The last part back to the car did not take more than about 3 hours. The weather was generally fine with some clouds and occasionally strong winds. This side of the mountain is more popular and has a lot more trails. Many do day hikes or overnight hikes. This means that the trails are also more looked after and easier. Partly we were even walking on service roads. When we came back to the car we cleaned up a little and went for coffee in the visitor center. At this point we were quite tired after hiking 55 km in four days, 19 hours hiking time. We were longing for a shower and dinner at a restaurant.

Click on the image to view more photos from the hike

Mt Taranaki – New Zealand

And for the stat nerds:

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