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Enjoying research

I like to be prepared when I travel. I don’t like fixed plans but I do like knowing what the possibilities are before I get there. For this trip which will be very long and going through several countries I will not be able to read about everything before we go. I will have to do research on the way as well. Good thing though is that we have already been to most countries on the list and know more or less what we want to do. Then it is always exciting to see what really will happen once we are out there. Plans are made to be changed, no?

This time is the best time of year in Phoenix when it is warm but not too hot to be outside. I take advantage of this and enjoy the pool and a fixed place to stay before we are off on our year long camping trip. A better place to do some reading is hard to find.

One thought on “Enjoying research”

  1. Please, keep us posted. If we were 25 years younger, we would be right behind you. Good luck….good travels and most importantly, enjoy life and each other. You are a great couple!


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